Muslims, Christians, and Jews: Together in Extraordinary Times
The current COVID 19 pandemic is forcing everyone around the globe into unprecedented social isolation. While this is a new experience for the human family as a whole, religious communities have frequently, over the course of history, found themselves in hard-pressed circumstances.
The Babylonian Exile of the people of Israel, the state-sponsored persecutions of the early Christians, or the hostilities directed against the nascent Muslim community in Mecca are but a few examples. During these ‘extraordinary times’ of hardship, all three of the Abrahamic faith communities have reflected deeply on the meaning and purpose of such dark times, as well as developed individual and communal coping strategies.
In this webinar, representatives from the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim communities share the wisdom each of their respective faith traditions has garnered during such extraordinary times. They explore how the lessons gathered from living through extraordinary seasons for literally thousands of years, have frequently given birth to new ways of being community and can be a source of encouragement for the extraordinary times we all experience now.
Reinhard Krauss, Ph.D.Executive Director
Academy for Judaic, Christian, and Islamic Studies
Rabbi Elliot Dorff, Ph.D.
Rector, American Jewish University
Sister Deborah Lorentz, SSS
Holy Spirit Retreat Center, Encino
Jihad Turk
President, Bayan Claremont Islamic Graduate School