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Sarah showing Hagar to Abraham
Oil on canvas by Matthias Stom

In the Footsteps of Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar

Abraham and his Family in the Sacred Texts of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

An Interfaith Retreat led by Dr. Reinhard Krauss

Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar are iconic figures in each of the religious traditions of Jews, Christians, and Muslims. This family plays a crucial role in defining the respective self-understanding of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The Torah, the Christian Scriptures, and the Qur’an, the sacred scriptures of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, each tell the narrative of this famous family in similar yet significantly distinctive ways.

During this retreat, we explored the respective narratives of Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar in the sacred scriptures of the three religious traditions. Both the similarities and the differences in the three scriptural narratives have decisively shaped the three religious traditions as a whole. 

In addition to exploring the complex family dynamics in the ancient scriptural narratives themselves, we will also seek to relate them to contemporary issues such as the role of women and the rapidly changing family structures in today’s society.

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