Off-Limits: How My Faith Inspires My Politics
Some believe it is best not to talk about religion and politics. They point to the deep divisions over religion and politics which currently plague this country. Should religion and politics therefore be off-limits, at least for a while?
We believe, on the contrary, that the healing of our society depends on rediscovering the wisdom of religion for a constructive engagement in the public square. Inspired by their religious faith, our panelists have dedicated their professional lives to make a positive difference in our society, building bridges of understanding, advocating for justice, and seeking to contribute to the common good.
Join us for an engaging ‘off-limits’ conversation to hear how their religious faith has helped shape their politics.
Reinhard Krauss, Ph.D.
Academy for Judaic, Christian, and Islamic Studies
Kienan Taweil
Loyola Marymount University
Rabbi Zachary Zysman
Loyola Marymount University
Fr. Alexei Smith
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Salam Al Marayati
Muslim Public Affairs Council