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Man with a beard wearing a knit cap and denim jacket pulls a book off the shelf in a library
By Devon Divine, Unsplash

Reading Corner

Interested in exploring the mutual relationships between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam? Here are some helpful guides to a deeper understanding of the common roots, the historical encounters, and contemporary interactions between Muslims, Christians and Jews.

Book Recommendations

Book cover of Hesed V'emet Nashaku with a portrait o Rabbi Elliot Dorff

Celebrating the Life and Thought of Rabbi Dr. Elliot Dorff

The Academy congratulates Vice President and longtime board member Rabbi Dr. Elliot Dorff on the publication of 'Hesed V'Emet Nashaku, Loving Kindness and Truth Embraced: The Life and Thought of Elliot Dorff.' The collection of essays is a fitting tribute by his friends and colleagues on the occasion of his 80th birthday.
close up on hands opening a book

Recommended Readings

We have collected a list of reliable and well-researched readings on how Judaism, Christianity, and Islam began as interrelated religious traditions, and how each evolved over the course of history.
Book Cover: The Abraham Connection. Text is represented in puzzle pieces that interlock

The Abraham Connection

The Abraham Connection has been called a classic of live dialogue between representatives of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Book cover: The Faith Club, A Muslim, A Christian, A Jew-- Three Women Search for Understanding

The Faith Club

The Faith Club weaves the story of 3 women and their different religions as they search to understand one another's faith.